Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Sewing. I'm doing it.

True fact:
I took exactly six weeks of "Home Ec" in 8th grade.
True fact:
We did not sew a blessed thing.
True fact:
We "cooked." At home. And brought our dishes to school as homework, because our class met in a kitchenless trailer.
True fact:
I signed up for my first online class ever to motivate me to move beyond the straight stitch on my admittedly fancy machine. Click on that little picture to the right if you'd like to join me.
True fact:
I made that rectangle up there. I used the sewing machine to do it. Go me.


K2daK said...

Well, it seems Bethany enjoyed it. :)

culth-I used a culth to sew today.

Amy M. said...

HOw are things with you, Sarah? I bet your little one is so big now!!!

Crafting by Candlelight