Thursday, December 31, 2009

From the depths of sleep deprivation...

Bethany wanted us to say Happy New Year. She's awfully excited to see all of 2010. We're hoping she'll sleep through at least some of it. She'll be a month old in four days - CRAZY.


K2daK said...

I will tell you like I tell Nick, you'll get to sleep in again when the kids are teenagers. ;)

I can't give any advice other than it gets better...eventually. Ryan was and still is an early riser and we lucked out with Andrew, he started sleeping through the night at four months. He is a stellar sleeper to this day, no less than 12 hours. I wish that Bethany takes the Andrew path soon.

Lennye said...

I'm going to be the bearer of bad do not sleep when they are teenagers. They are out driving cards, so you worry till they walk through the door!

Love every moment of this! It goes by very fast and then they go off to college, meet someone from another city, and move to a totally different state!

Lennye said...

...that is CARS they are driving.

Amy M. said...

Hope you guys had a wonderful Christmas with your new treasure! It took Noodlebug three months to start sleeping through the night. I could give you advice but everyone does that and each little one is different so it doesn't matter anyway!!!

Crafting by Candlelight

Anonymous said...

Happy 1 Month to Bethany! It is flying by so, so fast. And in those sleepless moments, think back to how little you slept in college (at night at least). Then it was chatting with us and "the boy" on the phone, but now you have a super precious little one to spend those hours with each day. I'd say that is a win! I send you much love and a few good vibes for some good sleep...One day at least :) -LALA