Monday, December 31, 2007

Best New Year's Eve ever.

Not that Kinsley hasn't already posted this or anything, but it's just better with the video. :) Now that I've conquered YouTube, and informed it that it will do what I tell it to, not the other way around, I thought I should end the year with something New Year's Evey.

Once I get the new camera acclimated to its job (which is to take pictures for me, not to make me figure out how to take pictures), you can see some rocking photos of my weekend at the Monkeybean Mansion. :)

In other fantastic news, I bought a plane ticket to New York today! The Tulane girls are headed to the Big Apple in February. :) Yahoo!

Y'all be good tonight, and have a very happy beginning to 2008.


Monkey said...

That would just be about 1000 times sweeter and better for me if anyone BUT Billy Crystal was saying it! :)
The Monkeybean Mansion huh?! You're so funny! Any picture where my mouth is open BETTER not make it's way to the internet! :)
"Patches, we don't need no stinkin' patches" We might need Dulcolax as we grow those infomercials!

Lennye said...

Jealous! That describes me right now. I so want to go to New York. I was even thinking about it today, maybe next year.

K2daK said...

Best movie ever!! That is one of my favorite scenes too as noted. New York in Feb. sounds like a chance of snow...let's see are you going on our break? Then I can watch for you on the Today Show!! :)